The Arcade tab is where you can discover new games every day! It has a number of headings:


Whenever you tap the Favorite button on a game, it appears here. It's a convenient way to bookmark games you like and want to play again. Even works offline!


These are the best of the best, a list of games hand-picked by Martin because they're all worth playing, and show off what can be accomplished in Fancade. Here's how you can get your game featured!


Use the search feature to find games! You can search by either the name of the game or the creator's name. You can also search games on your browser here:


An automatic list of games other users are currently playing and liking. (The exact ranking algorithm is a work in progress.)


List all games with a specific tag. But the most important button is New, where you'll see every game and every update, listed newest first.


Whenever you click a game link, in search or as shared on social media, the game box will appear here.

Android users are able to play any game from the Arcade, however iOS users can only exclusively play featured games. Opening a linked game in iOS will also not work.