Linear Interpolation (LERP) returns a value between two others at a point of linear scale. In other words, linearly interpolates between two values.


  • From:
  • To:
  • Amount:


  • Rotation:


LERP usage example

Explaination of the above script: Rot A is the rotation of the block. Use get position if you made the block to have other rotations too (You have to get the rotation in a single frame, or else it will become a loop of the LERP script trying to set it back to Rot B.). Rot B is the rotation you want the block to go to. Set B to the rotation you want. "Speed" is the speed of changing the rotation A to rotation B. Now it will be easier to understand LERP, with which you can do smooth rotations. What LERP actually does, is giving a rotation between the first rotation input and the second one. The number input is how far between those roation the output should be. 0 will output the first rotation, 1 will output the second rotation, 0.5 will output a rotation exactly in the middle of the two inputs, etc.