(MovemeNT gameplay)

MovemeNT by John Sy is a reaction game where you must respond by swiping in a certain location based off of a prompt read on screen.

How to play

Swipe in accordance to the instruction given, or do nothing if the instruction wants you to do nothing, a successful prompt earns you 1 point, but either running out of time when you should swipe or an incorrect swipe will end the game, gain as much points as possible.

Elaboration on how the tiers work

The first tier is pretty straight forward, with instructions such as "LEFT", "RIGHT", "UP", "DOWN", "NONE". (all directions are available at the start, but none only appears at 20 points) To meet these requests, you must swipe in that direction (rather than tapping an area of the screen), or not doing anything with NONE. These have the shortest time available.
The second tier is unlocked after 10 points, and places "NOT" in front of the aforementioned instructions. For example, "NOT RIGHT" can be achieved by swiping left, up or down (note that none will not work here). "NOT NONE" can be met with any swipe. These have slightly longer times. It is advisable to move in the opposite orientation of a given NOT instruction. For example, with "NOT UP", it may be intuitive to move down, as this is the opposite of up. However, moving left or right reduces the possibility of error as you're not operating in the same orientation as the instruction. It is also advisable to remember a specific direction for "NOT NONE" rather than deciding one on the spot.
The third tier are the "NOT NOT" commands, and they are unlocked after 40 points. Since "NOT" voids an instruction, NOT (NOT) will void the not, thus leaving you with the original instruction. Thus, "NOT NOT LEFT" is just "LEFT" for example. These have a longer time for reaction.
The final tier, unlocked after 70 points, is "NOT NOT NOT", which voids the "NOT NOT" instruction, thus warranting the same type of movement as in the second tier.

Review and Gameplay