quest battles
true true


Railgunner by Martin Magni is a game where you have to shoot as much enemy ships as possible without getting shot by missing.

How to Play

Enemy ships try to approch and shoot you in random direction, and you will automatically aim at the ships. Tap to shoot. You only have 5 bullets AND you need to shoot the 5th ship to refill the bullets, meaning you cannot miss at all. If an enemy ship gets too close to you, it will shoot you and the game is over. The score is counted on how many ships are shot.


Since enemy ships are randomly placed, this game requires a lot of reflex. Shoot in order of the ships by the clostests ship first. You need to use some powerful reflex techniques to help as well. Use this article to improve reflexes, then your strategy is to put the hand close to the screen and watch very carefully to the potential next ship to align. Finally, playing in portrait is reccomended.


50 Points