Tumble II is a game by Alex. It is a sequel to Tumble.

How to Play

Swipe diagonally to control the character. Get the character to the rotating object.


When there are more than one shortest solutions, only one instance is shown.

  1. ↙↖↖↖ ↖↙↙.
  2. ↗↗↘↙↖ ↙↘↙↘ ↘↗↗↗.
  3. ↗↗↖↗↘ ↘↗↖↙↙↘.
  4. ↙↙↘↙↙↖
  5. ↙↙↘↙↖ ↗↗↖↖.
  6. ↙↘↘↗↖ ↙↘↙↙↖↖.
  7. ↙↘↙↖↙↖.
  8. ↙↖↖↙↙.
  9. ↙↘↙↘↙↙↖.
  10. ↘↘↗↘↙↙.
  11. ↘↙↙↖ ↙↘↙↘.
  12. ↘↗↘↙↖ ↗↘↘↗.
  13. ↘↙↘↗↗↖↖.
  14. ↙↙↖↙↘ ↗↘↗↖↖↖.
  15. ↗↖↖↗↖↖↙.
  16. ↙↖↙↖↖↗↗.
  17. ↙↙↘↙↖↗↗↖.
  18. ↙↖↙↘↘ ↘↙↙↖.
  19. ↘↘↘↗ ↖↗↖↗.
  20. ↘↘↘↙↙ ↖↙↖↗↘ ↙↖↗↗↖↗.
  21. ↘↘↘↙↖ ↙↖↙↖.
  22. ↘↙↖↙↙↘.
  23. ↙↙↘↙↖ ↗↘↙↘↘↗↗.
  24. ↘↙↘↙↙↖↖↗.
  25. ↘↗↗↘↘ ↘↗↖↗ ↖↖↖↙.
  26. ↘↙↙↖↙ ↖↙↖↗↖.
  27. ↖↙↘↗↖ ↙↖↙↙↘.
  28. ↖↖↙↘↙↖.
  29. ↙↘↙↘↙ ↖↗↘↙↖.
  30. ↙↖↙↖↗↖.
  31. ↙↘↘↘↗ ↗↗↖↙↘↘.
  32. ↖↗↖↙↘ ↘↗↗↘↗.
  33. ↙↖↙↖↖.
  34. ↙↙↖↙↖ ↗↘↗↖.
  35. ↗↗↘↙↘↗.
  36. ↖↖↗↗ ↘↙↘↗.
  37. ↗↘↙↖↗ ↗↖↖↗.
  38. ↘↘↗↘↙ ↖↗↗↖↗ ↗↘↘↗↖ ↗↖↖↙↖ ↖↙↖↗↖ ↙↙↘↙↘ ↙↖↖↖↙↖.
  39. ↙↘↙↖↙ ↙↖↙↙↘ ↙↙↖↖↖ ↗↗↖↙↙ ↖↗↘↗↗ ↘↘↗↗↖.
  40. ↘↘↙↘↘ ↗↖↖↗↗ ↘↙↘↗↘ ↘↙↘↘↗ ↘↙↖↖↙ ↙↘↘↙ ↙↖↗↖.