Tumble is a game with different characters (5 or 10 levels each) made by Alex.

How to Play

Swipe diagonally to control the character. Get the character to the rotating object.


  1. ↖↗↖↙↖.
  2. ↗↘↘↙.
  3. ↘↗↘↘↙.
  4. ↘↙↘↗.
  5. ↙↘↗↖ ↙↖↖↗.
  6. ↗↘↘↘↗ ↘↘↙↖↙.
  7. ↘↙↘↗↖ ↙↖↗↘↘↘↙.
  8. ↗↘↙↖↗ ↗↘↘↗↗↖ .
  9. ↖↗↘↙↖ ↗↘↙↖↗↗↘.
  10. ↘↘↙↘↙ ↖↗↘↗↖ ↙↖↖↙↙.
  11. ↘↘↗↖↗.
  12. ↙↖↗↖↖ ↙↙↙↙.
  13. ↙↘↙↙↙ ↘↙↖↗↖ ↗↘↘↘↗ ↖↗↘↗.
  14. ↘↗↗↘↗ ↖↙↙↖↗ ↘↗↘↘ ↙↙↙↖.
  15. ↘↘↙↘↙ ↖↗↖↖↖ ↙↘↙↘↘.
  16. ↘↘↙↘↗ ↖↙↙↘↙ ↙↖↖↖↗↖.
  17. ↘↙↙↘↙ ↙↘↗↖↗ ↖↙↘↘↗↗↘.
  18. ↙↘↙↘↘ ↗↖↗↘↘↙↙.
  19. ↗↖↙↘↗ ↗↖↗↗↘ ↘↙↘↙↙ ↘↘↗↘↗ ↘↙↖↙.
  20. ↙↖↗↘↙ ↙↖↗↘↙ ↙↙↘↘↘ ↗↗↖↙↘ ↗↗↗↘.
  21. ↗↖↙↘↗ ↖↗↗↘.
  22. ↙↘↗↘↗ ↗↘↙↖↙ ↙↙↖↖.
  23. ↘↘↗↖↙ ↘↘↗↗↖ ↗↖↗↖↖.
  24. ↙↖↖↙↙ ↙↘↗↖↙ ↘↗↘↘↘ ↗↘↗↗↖↖↙.
  25. ↙↙↘↘↗ ↘↙↖↗↗ ↘↘↗↗↘ ↙↙↙↖↙ ↘↘↘↗↖ ↗↗↘↗.
  26. ↗↘↗↗↘ ↘↘↙↙↙ ↖↙↘↗↗↖.
  27. ↗↘↘↙↖ ↗↘↙↙↖.
  28. ↖↙↘↗↘ ↙↖↗↖↙ ↙↘.
  29. ↘↗↘↗↖ ↙↘↗↗↘↗↗.
  30. ↘↘↙↙↙ ↖↖↗↖↙ ↖↙↘↗↘ ↘↙↘↗↖ ↖↖↗↖↗↗.
  31. ↙↙↖↙↙ ↘↗↖↙↘ ↘↗↗↗.
  32. ↘↘↗↖↗ ↖↗↘↘↘↙↙.
  33. ↗↗↘↗↗ ↘↘↙↙↘ ↗↖↙ ↙↙↖.
  34. ↖↗↗↗↗ ↖↙↘↗↖ ↖↙↙.
  35. ↙↘↘↗↘ ↘↙↖↗↗ ↗↖↖.
  36. ↖↙↘↗↖ ↙↖↖↙↙ ↘↘↘↘↗↗.
  37. ↙↙↙↖↙ ↘↙↖↗↘ ↙↖↖↖↖ ↗↗↘↘↗.
  38. ↘↘↙↖↗ ↗↗↗↖↖ ↙↘↗↗↘↘↘↙.
  39. ↙↘↘↘↙ ↖↗↘↗ ↘↘↙↙.
  40. ↗↗↘↙↘ ↙↖↗↗↖ ↙↖↗↖↙ ↙↙↙↙↙ ↘↗↘↙↖↗↗.