Znake by R3DZ3R is a game where you have to collect red squares scattered across a circular map, while avoiding turrets which spawn around the map.

You control a blue snake with a large head. Tapping on the left side of your screen turns the snake left and vice versa in a circular motion. Every time you collect a red square, the snake will grow in size. As the game progresses, more red squares, and more turrets will spawn. Death is caused by either going out of the map, being headshot by a turret bullet, colliding with a turret, or running into your own body.

There are two modes, "Normal" and "Hard". The normal version (which is the one present in Battle) is as described above. The background is a grassy terrain.
The hard mode feature additional boulders, which makes collisions more likely (death is caused by running into these boulders), but can end up shielding the head of the snake from bullets. The background resembles a dry savannah.


It is a good idea to wrap around turrets if their initial spawns are clustered in the centre. That way you can build up more red squares on the outside.
Running around the outside of the map can be a useful strategy as you can more easily avoid the bullets. This strategy is compromised if a turret spawns on the edge of the map.
Usually, the red squares will spawn in a cluster around the turrets, so eventually you may have to run through dense fire in order to increase your score significantly.
A bullet cannot go through a red square, so they can act as a shield.