Laser Push is a game by Nabil arrafi, made from R3DZ3R's kit. It is a variation of Pushbox where boxes are explosive, and you must move the laser carefully!

How to Play

Swipe to move and orient the laser. Push explosive boxes to the yellow goals. Don't laser a box or you will lose!


  1. ↗↖↙↖↖.
  2. ↖↗↖↘↗ ↗↗↖↖↙ ↖↙↙↙↘ ↗↗↗↖↗↘.
  3. ↖↙↖↗↘ ↗↗↗↖↗ ↗↘↙↙↙ ↙↖↙↘↘↘.
  4. ↗↖↖↗↖ ↙↙↗↖↖ ↙↙↘↗↙ ↘↘↘↖↖ ↖↖↗↗ ↘↘↘↘.
  5. ↖↙↖↖↗ ↖↖↙↘↘ ↖↗↘↙↙ ↘↘↗↗↖.
  6. ↗↘↙↙↙ ↖↖↗↖↗ ↖↙↘↘↘ ↙↘↗↗.
  7. ↘↘↘↗↘ ↙↖↖↖↖ ↗↗↘↙↖ ↙↘↘↘↗ ↘↘↙↖↙ ↖↗↖↖↖ ↙↙↘↗↖ ↗↘↙↖↗ ↗↘↙↘↘ ↙↘↘↗↗ ↖↙↘↙↖.
  8. ↘↘↘↗↖ ↙↖↗↘↗ ↖↘↙↖↙ ↘↗↘↙↘ ↘↗↖↖↖ ↘↘↙↖↖ ↗↗↖↙↘↙↖.
  9. ↖↗↘↙↖ ↖↖↖↗↗ ↘↙↗↖↗ ↗↘↙↙↖ ↙↙↘↙↖ ↗↘↘↘↗ ↘↘↙↖↖ ↗↘↘↙↖ ↖↖↖↙↖ ↗↘↘↘↗ ↘↘↙↖↖ ↗↘↙↖↖ ↖↖↗↗↘ ↙↖↙↘↘ ↘↗↘↘↙ ↖↖↖↖.
  10. ↘↗↗↖↙ ↘↗↘↘↙ ↘↗↖↖↖ ↙↙↘↗↖↗↘↘.
  11. ↖↖↖↗↖ ↙↘↘↘↙ ↗↘↗↗↖ ↙↗↖↙↙ ↖↗↘↙↖ ↖↖↗↖↙ ↘↙↙↖↖ ↗↘↙↘↗ ↖↗↘↗↖ ↙↙↘↗↘ ↘↗↘↙↙.
  12. ↖↖↖↗↗ ↘↘↘↗↗ ↖↖↙↖↙ ↘↘↖↗↗ ↖↙↘↗ ↘↘↙↙.
  13. ↘↘↘↘↙ ↙↖↖↖↗ ↗↘↗↘↙ ↘↙↙↖↖ ↗↖↗↘↙ ↘↗↘↙↖ ↙↖↗↖↗↖↗↘.
  14. ↗↘↙↖↙ ↖↗↘↙↙ ↘↗↙↖↗ ↘↘↘↙↘ ↘↗↖↖↙ ↘↘↗↖↖ ↖↖↖↗↗ ↘↙↗↖↙ ↙↘↘↘↙ ↘↘↗↖↖ ↙↘↘↗↖ ↖↖↖↙↖↗↗.
  15. ↖↘↗↗↘ ↙↖↗↖↙ ↘↗↘↙↖ ↙↙↙↖↖ ↗↘↖↙↘ ↘↗↗↗↖ ↗↘↙↙↙ ↖↙↘↗↗ ↗↖↙↗↗ ↘↙↖↙ ↙↘↙↖.
  16. ↙↙↘↗↗ ↗↖↖↖↗ ↖↙↗↘↙ ↖↖↙↙↘ ↘↘↖↖↖ ↗↗↘↙↗ ↖↙↙↘↘ ↖↗↗↘↘ ↘↘↙↙↙ ↖↗↙↘↗ ↗↗↖↖↖ ↖↙↙↘ ↗↖↗↘.
  17. ↖↙↙↖↖ ↗↗↘↘↙ ↘↘↗↗↖ ↙↘↙↖↘ ↗↖↗↘↙ ↖↖↖↖↗ ↗↘↙↖↙ ↘↗↗↖↙ ↘↙↘↖↖ ↙↙↘↘↗ ↘↘↗↗↖ ↖↘↘↙↙ ↖↖↙↖↖ ↗↗↗↗↘ ↙↗↖↙↙ ↙↙↘↘↗ ↘↘↗↗↖ ↙↘↙↖.
  18. ↙↖↖↖↗ ↖↗↖↗↗ ↘↗↖↙↙ ↙↘↘↖↖ ↗↗↘↙↖ ↙↙↘↘↗ ↖↙↖↗↗ ↙↙↘↗↘ ↙↙↘↘↘ ↗↗↖↖↖ ↖↗↖↙↗ ↘↙↘↘↘ ↘↙↙↖↖ ↗↙↘↘↗ ↗↖↖↖↖ ↗↗↗↖↙.
  19. ↘↙↘↗↖ ↙↙↖↘↗ ↗↘↙↖↗↖↙ ↗↘↙↖ ↗↘↙↖ ↖↖↙↙↘ ↙↘↘↗↗ ↗↖↗↘↖ ↙↘↙↙↙ ↖↖↗↗↘ ↖↙↙↘↘ ↗↗↗↙↖ ↖↖↗↘↙↘↗.
  20. ↖↗↘↙↘ ↙↖↙↖↗ ↙↘↘↗↖ ↖↖↖↙↘ ↘↗↘↗↗ ↖↖↙↘↗ ↘↙↖↗↖ ↙↘↗↖↙ ↘↙↙↖↖ ↗↘↙↘↗ ↗↘↘↙↖ ↘↙↖↗↗ ↖↖↙↙↘ ↗↘↘↙↖.