Power Boxes is a puzzle game by LukaszM about lighting all bulbs up to win!

How to Play

Swipe to move boxes. There are 3 types of boxes:

  • Power boxes which create electricity and can light up bulbs (it can only conduct electricity when struck by a power surge),
  • Metal boxes which conduct electricity from power boxes or other adjacent metal boxes,
  • and Wooden boxes which cannot conduct electricity.

To win, light up all bulbs.


(Notes: When there is no image, the notation "Power box ←←←→→" means to move the power box to the left three times, then to the right two times.

Otherwise, the notation "1←←, 2→→" means "move the box corresponding to 1 in the image to the left two times, then move the box corresponding to 2 in the image to the right two times.")

Level 1

Power box ←←←.

Level 2

Both power boxes →→→.

Level 3

Right power box →→→→, left power box →→→→.

Level 4

Right power box →, upper wooden box ←, lower wooden box →→→, power box →→→.

Level 5

Right wooden box →→, other wooden box →→→, power box →→←←←←.

Level 6

Wooden box ←←, power box →→→→→.

Level 7

Wooden box ←, Power box ←←←, wooden box →→→←←←←, power box →.

Level 8

Lower wooden box →, upper wooden box ←←, power box ←←←→, lower wooden box →→, power box →→.

Level 9

Wooden box ←←, lower power box →→, other wooden box ←←, upper power box →→→→→, lower power box →→→.

Level 10

1←←, 2→→, 3→→→, 4→→, 5←←←←←, 1→→.

Level 11

Metal box ←←←, power box ←←←←.

Level 12

1←←→→, 2←←→, 3→→←←, 4→→←.

Level 13

1←, 2→→→, 3→→→→, 4→, 5←←.

Level 14

1→→, 2←, 3←←, 4←, 5→←←, 6→→←, 7→→.

Level 15

Metal box →, upper power box ←→→, other power box →.

Level 16

1→, 2→→→→→, 3→→→→, 4→→→, 5←, 6←←→.

Level 17

1→→, 2→→→→→, 3→→→→.

Level 18

1→←←, 2←←, 3→←←←←, 1←, 2←←.

Level 19

1←, 2←, 3→→, 4←.

Level 20

1←, 2←, 3←←→→→, 4←←→→→, 5→, 6←←←←→→, 5←, 6→→→→, 5→, 7←←←←←←→→, 5←, 7→→.

Level 21

Metal box ←, wooden box →→→, metal box →→→→, power box →→→→.

Level 22

1←←←, 2→, 3→, 4←.

Level 23

1←←, 2→→, 3←, 4→→, 5→.

Level 24

1→→, 2→→, 3→→→, 1←←←, 2←←, 4→→←, 5→→→, 6→→→, 7→→, 8→, 9←←→.

Level 25

1←←, 2←←←←, 3←←←←, 4←←←←←, 5←←←←, 6←←←←.

Level 26

1→, 2→, 3→, 4→→→, 5→→→, 1→.

Level 27

1→, 2←, 3→→, 4←←←, 1←←, 5←←←, 4←←←←.

Level 28

1→, 2←←, 3←←←←←→, 4←←←←←←, 5←←←←←, 6←←←←←←←.

Level 29

1→, 2→→, 3→→, 1←←←, 2→, 4→→←←, 5→→→←, 6→→.

Level 30

1←←, 2←←←←, 1→→, 3←←←←→, 4←←→, 5←←←→→, 6←←←←→→→, 2→→→→, 7→→→→→.