Roller is a 2021 collaborational game made by the Ma El project, Martin Magni and Mathias Elgaard. Similar to Tumble mechanics, the goal is to paint all the ground into life using your character, Pinky from Dino Bros.


In this game, the player has to color the world by painting all the tiles. Tiles are painted when Pinky is touching it. The player must swipe diagonally in order to move and roll the character. The game is lost when Pinky rolls outside the world.


  1. ↖↗↗↙↘.
  2. ↖↙↗↗ ↘↙↘↗.
  3. ↘↗↖↙↖ ↘↘↘↘ ↗↗↖↖.
  4. ↙↘↖↗ ↘↙↗↗↖.
  5. ↖↗↗↘ ↙↘↙↖.
  6. ↗↘↘↗↖ ↙↖↙↙↘↗.
  7. ↘↗↖↖↙ ↙↘↙↖.
  8. ↙↙↘↙↗ ↗↖↗↘.
  9. ↗↖↖↖ ↙↘↙↗ ↗↘↙↘.
  10. ↘↗↗↙↙ ↙↗↖↙↖↗.
  11. ↙↘↗↘↗↖.
  12. ↖↙↗↖ ↙↙↗↘.
  13. ↗↖↘↘↘ ↖↙↘↗ ↙↖↖↙.
  14. ↘↘↙↖↖ ↗↖↙↖↙↘.
  15. ↘↙↗↗↖ ↙↖↗↘ ↘↘↗↗.
  16. ↘↙↙↖↙ ↗↗↖↖.
  17. ↘↙↘↗↘ ↙↖↖↖↗↗↘.
  18. ↖↗↗↘↙ ↘↘↙↖.
  19. ↗↗↙↖↗ ↙↙↘↙↖ ↘↘↗↗↙↘↗.
  20. ↖↖↙↘↙ ↘↗↙↖↖ ↗↗↗↗↘↘.
  21. ↖↗↙↙↗ ↖↙↙↘↘ ↗↖↙↘.
  22. ↘↘↙↙↖ ↙↖↘↗↖ ↘↗↗↖.
  23. ↘↗↖↙↖ ↗↙↙↘↙↘↗.
  24. ↘↗↖↙ ↘↘↖↙↖ ↗↘↗↗ ↖↙↖↙.
  25. ↙↖↘↘↗ ↖↙↖↗↖ ↘↙↙↖.
  26. ↘↖↙↙↘ ↖↗↘↙↖ ↘↗↗↖.
  27. ↗↖↖↙↗< >↙↘↗↙ ↘↗↗↖
  28. ↘↙↘↗↗ ↖↖↙↘↙ ↖↗↗↗↗.
  29. ↗↘↗↖↖ ↙↙↘↙↖ ↗↘↘↘↘.
  30. ↖↗↘↙↙ ↙↖↖↗↗ ↘↗↘↙↗↘.
  31. ↗↖↗↙↘ ↗↙↙↖↙ ↘↗↗↖↘ ↙↖↗↘.
  32. ↘↙↘↗↙ ↖↗↘↙↖ ↖↘↗↖↙ ↗↖↙↙↘.
  33. ↗↙↘↗↖ ↙↘↙↖↗ ↘↗↘↗.
  34. ↗↖↙↖↖ ↗↙↘↘↙ ↖↗↖↗ ↙↘↘↙ ↗↗↗↖.
  35. ↘↙↗↗↖ ↙↙↙↗↗ ↘↗↖↖↘ ↙↙↖↙↙.
  36. ↙↗↘↗↖ ↙↘↘↙↙ ↖↘↗↗↗ ↖↙↙↘↙↙↖.
  37. ↗↗↘↙↖ ↗↘↙↖↗ ↗↘↙↘↙ ↗↘↖↖ ↖↙↙↖.
  38. ↗↘↙↖↗↖↖↗↙↘↘↙↘↗↖↖↙↘↗↖↖↖↗.
  39. ↘↗↖↙↖ ↙↘↖↗↘ ↗↘↙↖↖ ↙↘↗↘↘↙.
  40. ↙↙↖↘↗ ↗↗↖↖↙ ↖↙↘↗↗ ↘↙↖↙↙ ↗↖↖↙.
  41. ↘↙↖↗↘ ↗↙↙↖↙ ↘↗↗↖↖↙.
  42. ↘↗↗↙↖ ↙↙↖↖↘ ↘↗↗↖↗ ↖↙↘↘↖↙.
  43. ↗↖↙↖↙ ↖↗↘↗↘ ↘↙↖↗↘.
  44. ↙↖↖↗↗ ↖↗↙↘↙ ↘↙↖↗↗ ↗↙↙↖↗↘.
  45. ↖↗↘↙↙ ↘↖↗↗↖ ↙↘↗↖↖ ↘↙↘↗↙ ↘↘↗↙↙↖.
  46. ↖↗↘↙↘ ↘↗↙↖↖ ↗↖↙↘↘ ↙↖↗↖↖↙.
  47. ↘↘↘↖↙ ↖↗↘↙↙ ↘↖↖↙ ↗↗↘↙ ↖↖↗↗.
  48. ↘↗↘↖↖ ↗↖↖↙↗ ↘↘↙↘↙ ↖↗↗↖↙ ↘↙↘↘↗.
  49. ↗↖↘↙↖ ↙↙↘↗↗ ↘↖↙↖ ↙↘↗↘.
  50. ↙↘↗↘↗ ↙↖↖↙↙ ↘↘↖↙↖ ↗↗↖↗.
  51. ↖↗↖↙↘ ↙↙↖↖↗ ↙↘↘↗↗ ↗↘↙↖↙ ↙↖↙↘↗ ↘↘↖↗↖.
  52. ↙↘↙↘↗ ↖↙↘↗↖ ↗↖↘↙↘ ↙↖↗↗↖ ↙↘↙↙↖.
  53. ↙↖↙↘↙ ↘↗↙↖↗ ↖↗↘↙↘ ↙↖↗↖ ↗↘↗↘.
  54. ↗↖↙↘↖ ↗↘↘↖↗ ↗↖↘↘↘↙.
  55. ↙↘↗↙↖ ↖↗↖↗↖ ↘↘↙↖↘ ↙↙↙↗↖↙.
  56. ↗↙↘↗↘ ↙↖↘↗ ↖↙↘↗ ↘↗↖↖.
  57. ↙↙↖↗↖ ↘↘↗↖↖ ↘↗↖↗ ↗↘↘↙.
  58. ↗↙↖↖↗ ↖↗↘↘↘ ↖↖↖↙↘ ↗↖↙↘ ↗↖↙↙ ↙↗↘↙.
  59. ↘↗↘↖↙↖ ↖↘↙↖↗ ↘↘↙↘↙ ↗↖↗↖↖ ↙↙↘↙↗ ↗↖↗↘↙↖.
  60. ↖↗↘↙↙ ↖↗↘↗↘ ↗↙↖↖↙ ↖↗↘↗↗ ↖↖↖↘ ↙↖↗↘ ↙↗↘↘.
