Solevader by Subs Variety is a endless bullet hell style game where you, a blue ship, must avoid bullets being shot from all the other ships.


You begin the game at the lower half of the map as a blue ship. The ship continuously moves right. To change direction, you must hold the screen. The ship does not move up or down. You gain points by staying alive; the longer you live, the higher your score.

As the game goes on, more and more ships are spawned, creating a greater bullet density, making the game more difficult. Additionally, the walls gradually cave in, giving you less room to move around. Death is caused by being shot, touching a spike, or hitting the grey wall.


  • Yellow Ship: The Yellow Ship is the first and easiest enemy. It shoots one bullet at a time.
  • Green Ship: The Green Ship is more difficult on account of shooting 3 bullets in quick succession.
  • Red Ship: The Red Ship also only shoots one bullet at a time, but the bullet changes direction randomly, akin to a homing missile. However, it is not necessarily always targetted towards your ship.
  • Red Spikes: A set of large spikes which go down through the sides of the map. They constrict your movement to the centre of the map.