
Fancade Wiki

Updated Wiki.md (markdown)

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@@ -8,28 +8,28 @@ In the Wiki page, there is an ability to create new pages, simply by clicking "N
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Create a page name with the appropriate title.
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If you are writing it in a different section (e.g. Build) write `<section>/\<title>` (e.g. `Build/Set Variable`) to create it within this section.
If you are writing it in a different section (e.g. Build) write `<section>/<title>` (e.g. `Build/Set Variable`) to create it within this section.
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Now you can write a Wiki page! After you have written it all, click "Preview" to make sure everything looks correct.
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# Style a page
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The Wiki supports the formatting syntax called "[[Markdown|https://github.com/adam-p/markdown-here/wiki/Markdown-Cheatsheet]]". You can easily make *italic*, **bold**, __underlined__ or ~~strikethrough~~ text. To learn how, read [[this|https://support.discordapp.com/hc/en-us/articles/210298617-Markdown-Text-101-Chat-Formatting-Bold-Italic-Underline-]].
The Wiki supports the formatting syntax called "Markdown". You can easily make *italic*, **bold**, __underlined__ or ~~strikethrough~~ text. Moreover, with Markdown, you also can make lists, add links, insert images in text and even make tables! Read [[this|https://github.com/adam-p/markdown-here/wiki/Markdown-Cheatsheet]] to learn how.
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Besides, there are such Wiki-exclusive formatting features as unordered lists, links and images in text.
To insert a list element, put `*`, `+` or `-` at the beginning of a line. Note that there must be one blank line before the first element.
## Basics
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To insert a link, you can:
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* wrap page name in square brackets: [[Add]] `[[Add]]`
* wrap page name in square brackets: [[Number]] `[[Number]]`
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* do the same but put a suffix if needed: [[Vector]]s `[[Vector]]s`
* wrap page name in parentheses and set displayed text in square brackets before: [[Plus|Add]] `[[Plus|Add]]`
* wrap page name in parentheses and set displayed text in square brackets before: [[One|Number]] `[[One|Number]]`
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* do the same but put any URL instead of a page name: [[Fancade|http://fancade.com/]] `[[Fancade|http://www.fancade.com/]] `
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To add an image, drag-n-drop it into the edit form. (It'll upload to `/uploads/<filename>`)
To insert a list element, put `*`, `+` or `-` at the beginning of a line.
To add an image, drag-n-drop it into the edit form. (It will be uploaded to `/uploads/<filename>`)
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To insert an image, you can wrap the image URL in `!` to insert it directly in the text.
To insert an existing image, you wrap the image path/URL in square brackets (like you do with regular links/URLs) to insert it directly in the text.
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# Delete a page
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Fancade Wiki