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@@ -41,34 +41,35 @@ Every script block counts as 1 script towards the total limit. It does not matte
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A wire split counts as 1 script towards the limit. Thus the script in image A adds 4 scripts (3 script blocks + 1 wire split) to the counter.
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![A - Wire Splitting](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/852037487987392529/855423620692443156/Screenshot_20210618-113313_Fancade.png)
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But wire splits are defined as "n to 1" and "1 to n". This basically means, no matter how large the split is, it will add only 1 script to the counter. The script in image B adds 10 scripts (9 script blocks + 1 wire split) to the counter.
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![B - Wire Splitting](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/852037487987392529/855423621173739530/Screenshot_20210618-113424_Fancade.png)
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The same applies in case of joining. The script in image C counts as 4 scripts, whereas the script in image D counts as 10 scripts.
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![C - Wire Splitting](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/852037487987392529/855423621433393172/Screenshot_20210618-113611_Fancade.png)
![D - Wire Splitting](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/852037487987392529/855423621639569408/Screenshot_20210618-113747_Fancade.png)
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#### Pointer dereferencing
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This section will be easier to understand if you are somewhat familiar with the concept of pointers. If you are not, you can think of them as an address. Specifically, a memory address, that points to a variable.
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When a pointer is dereferenced, i.e. converted to value, it counts as 1 script. In image E, the Get Variable block outputs a pointer, which is then dereferenced to a value for the Negate block. Thus the script adds 3 scripts (2 script blocks + 1 pointer dereference) to the counter.
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![E - Pointer Dereferencing](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/852037487987392529/855423621933301760/Screenshot_20210618-113952_Fancade.png)
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This behaviour, when combined with wire splitting, results in a peculiar quirk where adding another script block can actually consume less script limit than without that block. In the following picture, case 1 adds 8 scripts (4 script blocks + 1 wire split + 3 pointer dereferences) to the counter. Almost half of them are just from dereferencing. To avoid that, in case 2 another script block is added to dereference the pointer before the split. Thus case 2 only adds 7 scripts (5 script blocks + 1 wire split + 1 pointer dereference) to the counter.
![Pointer Dereferencing](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/852037487987392529/855440742431064094/Screenshot_20210618-130458_Fancade.png)
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Known script blocks that output a pointer are all the Get Variable and List Element blocks.
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![Pointer out](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/852037487987392529/855444701309829170/Screenshot_20210618-192013_Fancade.png)
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Known script blocks that accept a pointer as input are the Variable inputs of the List Element blocks, the Variable input of the Menu Item block and, increment and decrement block.
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![Pointer in](https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/852037487987392529/855655587852451840/Screenshot_20210619-091908_Fancade.png)
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#### Inside custom scripts
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