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Created Linked Bots (markdown)

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[Linked Bots](https://play.fancade.com/5FE783C70752433D) by GameCreator is a survival game where two bots (blue and red) which are tied together by a white beam, must survive against oncoming enemies. The map is a square lined out with red walls. Enemies spawn from 8 different points which are shaped liked a octagon. There are two types of enemies, red and yellow.
## How to Play
You begin in the centre of the board. The red bot is stationary, whereas the blue bot moves in a circular orbit around the red bot, through being linked by the white beam. Tapping the screen will make the red bot stationary, and have the blue bot move instead. Thus through alternating, you can move.<br>
Your aim is to kill enemies by having them collide with the white beam that links the two bots. If an enemy touches a bot, the game ends. Note that the enemies will move towards the stationary bot only.<br>
There are two enemies, red and yellow. The only difference between them is speed, where yellow bots are significantly faster. The game can be thought of in two waves, the first one being from 0 to 33 score, and the second one being anything above 33. After a brief pause when you reach a score of 33, the enemies spawn at a significantly greater rate, sharply increasing the difficulty.
## Strategy
If you are playing in portrait, be careful about your left and right hand side. If you are playing in landscape, be careful about your top and bottom. <br>
Try to think in terms of circles rather than lines. Try to visualise a circle or arc that can sweep multiple enemies rather than trying to quickly alternate in a straight line. <br>
Prioritise killing yellow enemies. <br>
A decent strategy is to run around the whole map and sweep each spawn point with the white beam. Avoid having the bots go directly over the spawnpoint.
Fancade Wiki