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Created Bounce Down (markdown)

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[Bounce Down](https://play.fancade.com/604419DD712FC463) by R3DZ3R is a platformer game where you; a blue square, have to avoid hitting the roof of your screen by moving left or right (through tapping and holding either the left or right hand side of your screen) onto white platforms, which move up the play area. These platforms can spawn at different areas, and have different lengths. The platforms are bouncy, so you do not merely land on them, but rather bounce back up (these bounces decrease in height the more times you bounce on the same platform).<br>
Your score is increased the longer you play, and the score value corresponds to the amount of seconds you spend alive. As the game progresses, the platforms move up the play area faster, which in turns bounces your blue square even more, making it harder to avoid hitting the roof.<br>
The game is terminated by either hitting the roof, or falling below the screen (sometimes you can narrowly escape death if a platform happens to spawn outside of the visible play area).<br>
Note that the blue square maintains momentum, so when turning from left to right, the blue square will first slow down, stop, and only then accelerate in the other direction. If you hit the corner (or side) of a platform, the square will bounce sideways. The blue square can also bounce off of the side walls. It can also touch the bottom of the platform, which does not cause it to bounce down at high speed.
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