Outputs the logarithm of a number by a given base.


  • Number: The target number
  • Base: The base to raise (defaults to e if unwired)


  • Logarithm: The Exponent in the (Base ^ Exponent = Number)


Logarithm is used as an inverse function for the function Power , this function is most commonly use for pathfinding AI's such as Board game AI's. If you managed to learn how to make an AI , this function will be surely handy for you.


If you're looking for examples , surely all examples for this is complex , But if you really want to see how it's used you can look for "Sounak9434's" (he is one of our @Fanmods Btw) MCTS Engine , its a type of AI used for board games , you can see how logarithm can be used there.

**MCTS Engine* is made before the logarithm function is implemented the logarithm function used in the MCTS engine is a custom script made by our great "Potato-Chan" one of the best scripters we have here (though I wonder why he is not a Fanmod too Probably cause he is not mostly active in discord).