This wiki was developed by Nikita Ivanov, Olle Landin, and Martin Magni.

You can help expand the wiki by creating new pages and improving existing ones. There's even wiki formatting support.

PRO TIP: To add an image, drag-n-drop it into the edit form. (It'll upload to /uploads/<filename>)

How to make a wiki page?

In the Wiki page, there is an ability to create new pages, simply by clicking "New". A pop-up with the title "Create New Page" should show up.

Create a page name with the appropriate title.

If you are writing it in a different section (e.g. Build) write <section>/\<title> (e.g. Build/Set Variable) to create it within this section.

Now you can write a Wiki page! After you have written it all, click "Preview" to make sure everything looks correct.

Check the wiki formatting for all the syntax tools.